Visual Accessibility
Screen Readers
Screen Reader for Google Chrome - Audio
Screen Reader is a Chrome extension that can read text on a student screen. It uses the Audio API and a Text-To-Speech service to read a website when text is clicked.
- In Chrome Webstore search Screen Reader or visit this link
- Click the Add to Chrome button
- Click add extension
- To toggle reader on/off, click the speaker icon in extensions toolbar (see image below). When it is turned on, you'll need to click on a text paragraph to hear audio.
ChromeVox - (Audio/Visual)
The ChromeVox (Classic) screen reader is an extension to Chrome that brings the speed, versatility, and security of Chrome to visually impaired users. Works on Mac and Chromebook
- In Chrome Webstore search ChromeVox or visit this link
- Click the Add to Chrome button
- Click add extension
- Once installed click the orange icon in the toolbar to activate
How it works - ChromeVox will place an orange box around the text that will translate into audio. It will then read the text aloud through the computer speakers. It also works on sprites in the project panel and blocks in code assist.
Zoom functions
Built in Mac Zoom- (Visual)
The built in mac zoom creates a small magnified window that follows the cursor.
- Click the apple icon in the top left corner of the screen
- Use drop down to select system preferences
- In system preferences select Accessibility
- In the left window select Zoom
- Select the “Zoom Style” drop down
- In Zoom Style select Picture-in-picture
- Make sure “Use Keyboard Shortcuts to Zoom” box on the top of the window is checked.
How to use
By clicking ⌘+ (option) + 8 you can activate and deactivate the zoom window. If you would like to control the amount of zoom, ⌘+ (option) + = will zoom in and ⌘+ (option) + - will zoom out.
Built in Chromebook Zoom - (Visual)
Chromebook does not support Picture-in-picture cursor zoom. However, there are increase text size options for a visually impaired user. A wide variety of options can be found at