How to Navigate the Assignment Page

Getting to the Assignment Page

Select the menu icon Screen_Shot_2022-09-09_at_9.25.49_AM.png at the top left of the page. Select “Assignments”.


Current and Previous Assignments

Navigate all of your assignments with the Assignments list on the left side of the page, along with the Homework list below it.


The list will display the assignments for a selected day, as well as their due dates.

Moving to Another Day

To move forward or back a day, select the forward or backward arrows Screen_Shot_2022-09-09_at_9.29.04_AM.png located at the top of the assignments list.

To select a specific day, click on the calendar icon Screen_Shot_2022-09-09_at_9.30.17_AM.png and select the date of the assignment(s) you wish to access.

If you wish to return to the present day assignments, click “Today”.



Recent Projects

At the top-right of the assignments page are the “Recent Projects”. Screen_Shot_2022-09-09_at_9.55.56_AM.png

This section displays the projects and assignments that you’ve opened most recently.


Past Due Assignments

Under “Recent Projects” is “Past due”. Any assignments that are not completed on time will appear here.



Lesson Resources & Upcoming Announcements

Lesson resources are resources added by your teacher which may include notes, vocabulary, and lesson slides, among other things.


The “Upcoming” section displays upcoming tests and quizzes for your class.



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