Viewing Student Assignments

Feature Summary


Teachers can view student assignments by selecting a given activity through the Gradebook. Once a student's activity has been opened, as a teacher you can navigate between all students in the class for that assignment whether they have the assignment turned-in or in-progress. 

  • Use to look through student assignments while they are working on it to monitor progress. Particularly helpful when teaching a in a remote scenario where it is significantly harder to know what students are working on. 
  • Use to debug a student's assignment by opening the assignment and see their code.or run their program to identify what the bug is. 
  • Use to grade a particular assignment. Go through the list alphabetically and see who has turned it in and what they coded. 
  • Use to view a student's work and share it with the class.  Open a particular student's activity and drag it to screen that students can view. This can be done to showcase student work or have the class help debug a student assignment. 


How to use

Opening a student's activity


  1. Click on a cell in the Gradebook to open the Assignment Status Details.
    • Screen_Shot_2020-12-01_at_11.26.58_AM.png
    • Note: An assignment's status doesn't appear in the gradebook until the assignment has been turned in. If an assignment is In-progress, a teacher can select one of the empty cells and view the assignment following the same steps below. 
  2. Click on "More actions" and if the assignment has been started by the student, you can click "View".
    • Screen_Shot_2020-12-01_at_11.27.22_AM.png
    • NOTE: If the status is "Not Started" you will not have the option to view the student assignment..
  3. The Code page will open with the student's assignment
    • Screen_Shot_2020-12-01_at_11.31.55_AM.png
    • NOTE: You will not be able to edit the student's assignment while viewing, but will be able to run their code if available. 


Navigate between students


  1. Click on the student dropdown in the main navigation bar
    • Screen_Shot_2020-12-01_at_11.43.19_AM.png
  2. Select which student to view for that assignment
    • Screen_Shot_2020-12-08_at_1.54.59_PM.png
    • If the assignment has not been opened by the student you will see the not started icon Screen_Shot_2020-11-30_at_2.04.14_PM.png and not be able to open their assignment since they haven't started it yet. 
    • If the assignment has been opened by the student but not turned in, you will see the in-progress icon Screen_Shot_2020-12-01_at_12.48.53_PM.png. You can open and view an in-progress assignment.
    • If the assignment has been turned-in by the student, you will see the turned-in status for that assignment. This will vary depending on which activity type it is. Click here to read more about each Gradebook Status. You can open and view turned-in assignments. 
    • If an assignment is late a Screen_Shot_2020-12-08_at_2.01.06_PM.png  icon appears by the assignment status. An assignment is considered late if it has not been turned-in before it was due (Activities are due the next class day after it was last assigned).


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