In general, the platform's green circle pie charts are a line counter that is meant to be a tool for teachers to use to get a quick at-a-glance look at which students are completing classwork, and to catch when students turn in assignments without writing any code of their own.
Use it as a directional tool, but definitely open up student assignments and dive deeper with your feedback for key assignments, too!
- What do the Green Circle pie charts in the Gradebook mean?
- Does an incomplete circle mean that an assignment is incorrect or incomplete?
- If a student is marked as over 100% complete do they deserve extra credit?
What do the Green Circle pie charts in the Gradebook mean?
After a student turns in an assignment, they will see a green circle that displays how much of the activity they completed.
This is the same circle that will display in the gradebook (as seen below). This circle simply shows how many lines of code they wrote in comparison to the expected solution.
Does an incomplete circle mean that an assignment is incorrect or incomplete?
Not necessarily! A "not full" circle is not, on its own, an indication that the student did something wrong.
They may have just found a shorter way to solve the problem than the code in the sample solution for the activity.
For example, in the image below the student wrote 4 lines of code while the written solution had 5. This could just mean that a student used a shortcut and combined a few lines of code into one, or found a more efficient way of doing things.
If a student is marked as over 100% complete do they deserve extra credit?
That's up to you, but in general, writing more lines of code doesn't always equal better.
Since there are always multiple ways to get to the same solution in coding, it might just mean they separated a step that could be completed in one line of code into multiple lines of code.
It could also mean they went above and beyond the requirements and added extra functionality to the program, it depends!