Gradebook Student Info Dialog




In the Student Info Dialog, to the right of the student name, company logo(s) will appear to represent which sign-in methods are being used for that account. 


A TechSmart logo appears if they have a TechSmart username.

A Classlink/Clever/Google logo will appear if they have linked one of these SSO providers to their TechSmart account. 



Transfer Student

To transfer a student from their current class to one of your other classes click on the Screen_Shot_2021-04-21_at_7.28.12_AM.pngbutton in the top right. For more information on transferring a student click here



Student ID and Username

Student ID and Username cannot be changed since that is how usernames are generated in the TechSmart Platform. 

For assistance in changing a Student ID or Username please contact TechSmart Support


Reset Password

NOTE: Reset Password will only reset the TechSmart password that students use to sign-in directly to the TechSmart platform. This will not reset a password for Classlink/Clever/Google sign-in. 


Passwords are not viewable by a teacher.

You can, however, reset the student's password by clicking "Reset Password". 

Their password will be set back to the default of "code" and the student will be prompted to change their password upon initial sign-in.




Difficulty Level

Change the default difficulty level for a student so that any future assignment that they open with difficulty levels is the correct level for them. 

To read more about difficulty levels click here



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