What does a week in the life of a TechSmart teacher look like?

Within each course, the curriculum is divided into Units. A Unit covers a series of Lessons, usually with some common thread between them.

A Lesson is specific, targeted educational material on a given topic, taking place over the course of several days. Each Lesson has a specific set of learning objectives to be accomplished by the students before moving on.

Each Lesson follows the general sequence of activities: 

Instruction → Coding Techniques + Practices → Coding Exercises → Assessments (Python)

Python Lesson Plan Week View (Condensed).png


The platform lesson plan is fully customizable - single activities or whole days of instruction can be moved to other days on the class calendar, additional activities can be added to extend practice, activities can be moved to the homework section for at-home practice, and so much more. 


We also provide a collection of off-platform resources that teachers can use to customize and adapt the lesson plan to their student's needs. These resources include:

  • Lesson Guides
  • Grading Rubrics
  • "Unplugged" Worksheets
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Google Slidedecks

and more!

We'll explore all of the platform features and off-platform resources in the TechSmart Coding Bootcamp training series. See you there! 


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