What Does a Student Require to Export to a GitHub Portfolio?
Students need to register for an account on GitHub.com and set up a profile. Once they have an account on GitHub, they can connect it to their TechSmart account.
How To Connect a GitHub Account to the TechSmart Platform
While in a coding project, look for the GitHub button, and follow the steps in our connection wizard
This will launch a secure connection request to GitHub to connect the GitHub account to TechSmart.
How to Export a Code Project to a GitHub Portfolio
Once you've connected your GitHub account, you can then use our Repository Setup Wizard to walk you through each step of the process
How to Push Changes to Your Code to GitHub
If you make changes to your project on TechSmart, you can push those changes to GitHub to make sure your portfolio has the most recent version of your project files.
If you have already created a repository for your project, you'll now see a "Push Changes" button.
This will launch our update wizard, which will walk you through adding comments to your commit.
It's important to remember if you Push Changes from TechSmart, any changes made to your portfolio directly on GitHub or from another source will be overwritten by the project files from your TechSmart Project
How to Disconnect a GitHub Account From TechSmart
You can disconnect your project from GitHub, however it's important to note you will no longer be able to push changes you make on the TechSmart platform to that repository on GitHub again.
You will also not be able to reconnect to the same repository again in the future!