1/22 New Feature Spotlight: Improved Gradebook Status Overview and Change Difficulty Dialogue

Hi TechSmart Teachers, 

We just wanted to share some new features that we think you'll find useful! 

You can now see assignments that are in-progress in the gradebook detail view without having to click on a cell.

We've also updated the Change Difficulty Dialog. Now, if an assignment is in-progress (opened by the student) then an icon will appear next to their name. This lets you know if your student has already started the assignment.

Check out the images below to see these in action.

Gradebook shows In-Progress Assignments

What do the symbols mean? 

  • Blank cell - Not started - Any assignment that has not been opened by the student. Color will vary depending on assignment type. 
  • Screen_Shot_2020-12-01_at_12.48.53_PM.png  In-progress - Any assignment that the student has opened but has not turned-in yet. Color will vary depending on assignment type. 
  • Turned-in - Once an assignment has been turned in, it is evaluated based on the type of assignment it is. There are various types of assignment and they will fall in one of the following categories: 
    • Screen_Shot_2020-12-09_at_8.09.12_AM.png  Credit / No credit - Assignments that fall into this category are Instructions, Lesson Notes, Lesson Videos, and all Skylark assignments. 
    • Screen_Shot_2020-12-09_at_8.09.31_AM.png Code Autograde - For Python code writing activities such as Teacher or Student Coding Exercises, Coding Technique Demo's and Practices. Click here to read more about how the autograder works.
    • Screen_Shot_2020-12-09_at_8.10.31_AM.pngCode Comprehension Autograde - For Python code comprehension activities where there are questions to answer in the Assignment panel. 
    • Screen_Shot_2020-12-09_at_8.09.46_AM.pngAssessment Autograde - For all Python assessment activities such as Lesson Checks, Quiz's, and Tests. 
  • Screen_Shot_2020-12-08_at_2.01.06_PM.png Late - Any assignment that is late has this icon appear by the assignment status. An assignment is considered late if it has not been turned-in before it was due (Activities are due the next class day after it was last assigned).
Change Difficulty Dialog shows In-Progress Assignments
The change difficulty box now indicates if a student has opened an assignment. This should help ensure that teachers don't accidentally overwrite in-progress student work when changing difficulty levels. 

More Resources
To learn more about how to use video with the TechSmart Platform, check out some of our Help Center articles! 

Remote Teaching Resources

Submit Your Ideas
At TechSmart we love hearing ideas from our teachers on how to make the TechSmart Platform and Curriculum to be the best it can be to support your needs as a teacher.

If you have ideas that you would like to share, please send them to ideas@techsmart.codes.


Whether you are teaching asynchronous remote, synchronous remote, in-person or a blended learning model, we are here to support you so that you and your students can have the best educational experience possible. Warm thanks from our entire team - and we can't wait to see you again soon! 

Your Colleagues at TechSmart

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