Setting up SSO with TechSmart

The TechSmart Platform has integrations with Google, Classlink, and Clever that allow students to sign in to our online learning platform with one of those single sign on providers.

The set up process is slightly different for each provider. 

Classlink and Clever each assign districts a unique identifier that needs to be provided to TechSmart so that we can properly set up your district. 

For Google we just need to know the email domain(s) that you would like supported at your district. 

Please share your district's preferred provider and unique district information for that provider with us below. If the form below does not load, you can open the form here.




Google Districts: Add TechSmart As a Verified App

To ensure sure your students can sign in and use TechSmart, an IT administrator will need to give the TechSmart app Limited Access in the Google Admin console. They will need to add TechSmart as a Verified App, and Change Access to allow it Limited Access to any student organizational units that need it. You can learn more about how to approve third-party apps through the Google Admin console here.

ClassLink and Clever Districts: Add the TechSmart App

ClassLink and Clever both have an application portal that students can access and use as a central place to open applications and automatically be signed in. 

To add TechSmart as an option for your students please search for "TechSmart" in the Classlink or Clever application library and add us. 


Account creation and rostering

TechSmart uses the Class Join Code system to provide the teacher with greater control over their roster in the TechSmart Platform. 

This makes supporting the OneRoster standard for integrations with Classlink or Clever unnecessary. 

Read more about TechSmart's process for account creation and rostering here

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