Activities to Review the tsapp Library

The tsapp library is a key resource within the CS200-level courses. New students in higher-level classes (CS202-204) will want to be familiar with its application to prepare for success as they learn Python coding within the TechSmart curriculum. 

Three options are provided below listing CS201 activities that introduce, teach, and review the use of the tsapp library. Each option goes into various degrees of knowledge depth, depending on the allotted class time for tsapp review. Use the Activity Library to add the activities from the option you choose to your class calendar. 

How to: Adding an Activity from the Activity Library


Option 1   (5-7 days):

If you're able to spend substantial time reviewing the tsapp library, it's recommended to cover the entirety of the CS201 Lessons 3.4 - 3.6.
You could sufficiently review the tsapp library by teaching and reviewing the first practice of each instruction and technique demo with this option.

Lesson 3.4 Graphics

  • Instruction Practice 1 (Floating City) as an intro to graphics
  • Instruction Practice 1 (Creative Caption) as an intro to text
Technique Demos:
    • Precise Positioning (1)
    • Draw Order (1)
  • Coding Exercise 1 (Meme Maker) to review/practice graphics, text, and main loop

Lesson 3.5 Animation

  • Instruction Practice 1 (Galilean Gravity) as an intro to animation
Technique Demos:
    • Reverse Direction (1)
    • Scrolling Background (1)
    • Changes Images (1)
  • Coding Exercise 1 (Dream Ad) to review/practice animation (movement-based and image-based)

Lesson 3.6 Interaction

  • Instruction Practice 1 (Meadow Madness) as an intro to sprite interactions
  • Instruction Practice 2 (Dog and Mouse) as an intro to sprite collisions
Technique Demos:
    • Move With Arrow Keys (1)
    • Sprite Walls (1)
  • Coding Exercise 1 (Phone Simulator) to review/practice sprite interactions and collisions, mouse & keyboard inputs, and timing


Option 2   (2-4 days):

If you only want to take a couple of days to get students up to speed, the following activities focus on each of the main tsapp topics from Lessons 3.4 - 3.6.


  • Start with 3.4 Coding Exercise 2 (Meme Maker) as an intro to graphics, text and main loop
  • Demo 3.5 Instruction Practice 2 (Smell the Roses) for example of animation and movement
  • Demo 3.6 Coding Exercise 1 (Super Sleuth) for additional movement practice and an introduction to user interactions (clicking/typing)


Option 3   (1 day):

If extremely limited on time simply do a slow, in-depth walkthrough of 3.6 Coding Exercise 1 (Super Sleuth). This activity is the closest Coding Exercise available that covers all of the tsapp applications. 

Note: It's recommended that you re-code the starter code with students as well to provide a broader review of the concepts in Lessons 3.4 - 3.6.


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